It was an inviting atmosphere at the beautiful home of Judy Pursley with a breathtaking view of Lake Wawasee on Friday, May 17, 2013. Judy Pursley and Chris Rupp were gracious to co-host this grand yacht themed event in order to support the Early Childhood Alliance.
The gathering began at 1:00 p.m. and guests were offered sparkling champagne or pink lemonade as they socialized with other attendees and observed the silent auction items. Kim Sabrosky, ECA Tea Committee chair, Donna Emley, ECA Tea Sponsor and Committee member, and Madeleine Baker, Executive Director for the ECA welcomed the guests and expressed their appreciation for the attendees support toward the Early Childhood Alliance.
Each guest received a nametag that included various nautical titles that told him or her the table they were to sit at. The meal was catered by Catablu and included a “savory” first course, “breads” second course, and “sweets” third course in addition to various iced and herbal teas by the Tea Brew Masters. Between courses the attendees were encouraged to bid on the silent auction items. Some of these included a Tiffany & Company sugar and creamer, men’s shirt and shorts combo, “sip, sigh and relax” wine package, “little fishes” infant and toddler busy bag, and a Matilda Jane bag.
As the auction came to a close and people took their leave, they received a cookie with the ECA logo on it, donated by the people at the Cookie Cottage, a Teatime magazine, a Vera Bradley key chain, and a bookmark from the ECA which included information about how certain financial donations help the organization as well as information on the importance of early learning for young children. “85% of a child’s capacity for learning is determined before age 5, making positive early learning opportunities critical for lifelong learning.” For more information on the Early Childhood Alliance, visit their website and consider making a donation of your own, so a young child can be prepared for the educational opportunities that lie ahead of them.
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